
Dove’s Eyes

“…thou hast doves’ eyes.”  Song 1:15 The Bride says that her King has “doves’ eyes.”  Although one may think this sounds unmanly or effeminate, a close scrutiny of what the eyes of a dove actually look like will prove otherwise.  There are five outstanding characteristics of…

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Thrice Fair

“Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair…Behold, thou art fair…”  (Song 1:15-16) As the Bride continues to praise her King, she does a most curious thing in verses 15 & 16.   She addresses the one she loves with the statement, “thou art fair,” and she does…

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People Are Like Horses?

“I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots.”  (Song 1:9) By using the word “compared,” there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is trying to teach us something about the Bride by getting us to look at horses….

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