Dove’s Eyes

“…thou hast doves’ eyes.”  Song 1:15

The Bride says that her King has “doves’ eyes.”  Although one may think this sounds unmanly or effeminate, a close scrutiny of what the eyes of a dove actually look like will prove otherwise.  There are five outstanding characteristics of the eyes of a dove:

1)      Fierceness – most birds’ eyes are anything but soft and tender.  Doves have very piercing eyes that show alertness and power.

2)      Health – those who handle birds can immediately tell the health of a bird by its eyes.

3)      Character – those who handle birds on a regular basis and are aware of their unique personalities can determine if a bird is weak or strong, faithful or unfaithful, etc. by its eyes.

4)      Able to see hidden things – doves and many other birds are able to see stars during the daytime which aid them in navigation.

5)      Sharpness – doves have an acute sense of sight and are able to focus in on very fine details at  great distances.

When the Bride says that her lover had doves’ eyes, she may not have had all five of these things in mind, but there was probably an aspect of fierceness and authority in the King’s eyes that did catch her attention and bring about this parallel.   Revelation 1:14 & 19:12 say that Jesus’ eyes “were as a flame of fire.”   Those who one day stand before the Lord will find that, Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” (Heb. 4:13)   Nothing escapes the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ which run to and fro through the whole earth.”   (Zech. 4:10)

All of this may seem a bit academic in that we love our Lord, though we have never seen him.  (I Peter 1:18)   However, our great and blessed hope is that one day we will see Jesus face to face and eye to eye.  (I Cor. 13:12)    Jesus said that we will recognize his voice. (John 10:4)  Like John in Revelation chapter one, we will also recognize his appearance with one of the first things capturing our attention being his amazing eyes!